Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Being Overwhelmed and Other Stuff

You Ever Feel Like This?

Have you ever had one of those weeks when you feel so overwhelmed with things needing to be done that you just want to stand out in the middle of the street and scream at the top of your lungs: “I’VE HAD ENOUGH OF THIS SHIT LIFE! GIVE IT A REST!” Well, I awakened this morning and felt exactly that way. Of course the neighbors would call the damn police on me who in turn would lock me up for observation in the nut ward of the hospital and then that would just not work into my present schedule which is already dragging me deep into the over- whelming feeling of being buried alive by all of this crap that goes along with being an adult and Waaaaaaa, I want my mommy!

Seriously however, I need to stop, take in some deep cleansing breaths, exhale and then say to hell with it and stop worrying about it. I’d been hoping to get some actual writing down on the couple of three projects I have going, and with winter approaching from the north I’d like to get all of my blankets out and get them washed, along with a lovely comforter given to me for a house warming gift by my friend Deb (It’s needing dry cleaned and shaved as my cats slept on it all winter long, depositing their fur all over it!) - But that looks like it’ll not happen until next week sometime (I hope) -

As for yesterday, I look at it as a good day in some respects - I managed to do take care of some important business in the morning, and I got to spend the afternoon doing a month’s worth of grocery shopping! I also got to visit with one of my earth bound Angels for a bit. I’d not seen her in three months time, ever since she broke an ankle in one leg and her foot on the opposite side, climbing into one of those roller coaster cars at Kennywood Park here in Pittsburgh! Honestly, I started to cry I was so damn happy to see her! I was going to make chili last night for dinner, but after getting home and unpacking all of the groceries and getting them put away, all I managed to have for dinner were some scrambled eggs, sausage and a little bit of hash browns which I’m eating the leftovers of for lunch now. As for what I was doing on Monday (day before yesterday), it was so long ago that I honestly can’t remember!

With the temperatures now starting to feel more like fall, I’m scrambling to get the winter cat houses squared away and I am begging for straw. I need that straw for bedding for the shelters so in a bit, I’m going to go onto my local craigslist and see if I can get someone to bring it. Paying for it is not a problem - getting it to the house is. Wal-Mart might still have some, but the Allegheny Port Authority Transit system will not let me on the bus with a bale of straw. I’ve also got the kitty wish list up and I’m asking for donations of cat food and KMR for the stray and feral kitties that I care for who are homeless. You’ll find a link at the bottom if you’d like to donate!

Now, something big is about to happen in my life in two weeks time! I’m letting the entire world know, because this is one of those moments in my life that go right along with the birth of my children and my release from prison (hehehe, just kidding about the prison release - it really wasn’t that big of a deal)....Seriously though, I am going to be Baptized on Sunday, the 5th of November. Why did I wait so long? Wasn’t I baptized as a child? In response to question one, In the last few years, God and His son Jesus Christ, have blessed me with so much, I have experienced a minimum of three miracles in my personal life (Read my short story; “God and I” if you want to know what those miracles were), and has blessed me with friends that I can only describe as Earth bound Angels - and as the song goes, I was once blind but now I see. So the time has come for me to completely and totally, surrender myself to the Lord. My Baptism is to be a covenant between He and myself; He has proven that even in my darkest times when I did not believe in Him, He stayed by my side and believed in me. And with my Baptism, I am making a promise to God and His son, and the Holy Spirit - that I will be the best person I can be, try to lead a better, more Christian life - and to do my utmost to serve Him and love Him above all else! As for my being Baptized as a child, I don’t remember and have not been able to find any record. But if I have already been Baptized, I’m sure that God won’t mind me being Baptized a second time.

If you’d like to know more about it - if you’re local, you might be able to catch things on cable-tv as it’s broadcast on one of the access channels, and if you don’t get cable, it’s on channel 40 over-the-air broadcast. Click on the link for information. The Church also has a YouTube channel you can follow. I ask that you please also donate if you can. The church is having hard times right now - there’s a link on their web page you can click onto to donate. Even 5 dollars  will help - God bless you all!

So that’s it for now, from the mind of me!
All of us have hard days at times and it might make us feel overwhelmed and unable to cope. But trust me when I say, that no matter how life might be treating you, how hard things may seem to be, there are always options, there is always a way to beat back that feeling!

Hugs and Love to you all!
Have a great and safe day!

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